The Black Belt Podcast

#8: Willie “The Bam” Johnson – The Art of Honest Self Expression

Sifu Harinder Singh and Black Belt Magazine Season 3 Episode 8

“The Jail that I was in was easy.  The Jail that most people are in today without being incarcerated in a Jail Cell, is the Jail cell of the mind and the heart.  It wasn’t till I learned to love me in Jail, it wasn’t until I learned to express me in jail, that I was able to look at myself in the mirror, and say, Let’s Go Bam.”

My guest this episode is Willie “The Bam” Johnson, who is a seven-time sport karate and kung fu world champion, a two-time All-American champion, and a true hero in the world of martial arts. As the creator of Wushudo Universal Martial Arts, Johnson is known for his dynamic, universal approach to developing physical, mental and spiritual fitness.  Johnson is the founder and national spokesperson for the Stronger Than Drugs Foundation and was inducted into the Martial Arts and Black Belt Magazine Halls of Fame.

This episode is all about the inner journey of rebirth and personal transformation.  Willie shares how he used martial arts to transform from a criminal in prison into a seven-time world champion and a community leader.  My key take away is that quest for honest self-expression can free you from the prison of who you think you are.  We need to love and except ourselves wholly and totally, and once we can let go of external approval, we can start to go inside and discover our unique gifts and talents which we can then give to the world.  Tune in to one of the most inspirational and life changing conversations I have ever had. 

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